Manual Insert Card Reader
MTK-284 functions full-track reading of magnetic stripe and also reads/writes both smart and memory cards of ISO Standards. The device has options of RS232 or USB interface and replaceable bezels. It’s designed with long life magnetic head and landing IC contact. Optionally, it support PSAM board.
Series Information: MTK-284 is supplied in 2 series: RS232 and USB interface. Combinations of card reading functions also induce different model numbers. Other configuration and customization by request.
- MTK-284R: RS232 models require DC5V input independently and RS232 serial port is needed from host machines for communication.
- MTK-284U: USB models comply with HID standard. Driver is not required to install for Windows O/S prior Windows 2000.
Refer to downloads below for detailed information of the model numbers.
Vending Machines; Kiosk Terminals; E-Ticket Machines; Gaming Machines.